FIDIC Engineer and Technical Supervision Services for the Construction Works of New Equipment to Launch Fishing Boats into the Baltic Sea at Juodkrantė

Project details
  • Project name FIDIC Engineer and Technical Supervision Services for the Construction Works of New Equipment to Launch Fishing Boats into the Baltic Sea at Juodkrantė
  • The client Municipality of Neringa
  • Building type Construction of a New Structure
Service description:
In May 2015, UAB "Statybų inžinerinės paslaugos" and the Municipality of Neringa signed a contract for the FIDIC Engineer and construction works technical supervision services related to the installation of new equipment for launching fishing boats into the Baltic Sea at Juodkrantė.
To ensure accessibility, roads for fishermen and municipal services vehicles were constructed in Juodkrantė. These areas are equipped with lighting, laid water supply and sewage networks, and water columns have been installed.
The facilities designed for fishermen's needs will also serve as viewing platforms, offering a wide panorama of the Baltic Sea. The platforms are equipped with benches, trash bins, barriers for pedestrian safety, and lighting.
The technical supervision of these works, effective management of contract works, and resolution of emerging issues, while performing the functions of a FIDIC Engineer, were the responsibility of the specialists from UAB "Statybų inžinerinės paslaugos".